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New Skills in Demand visa

The new Skills in Demand (SID) visa SC 482 replaced the Temporary Skilled Shortage visa from 07 December 2024.

The SID visa has 3 streams:

  • Core Skills stream - to meet targeted workforce needs, for all occupations on the new Core Skills Occupation list.

  • Specialist Skills stream - help drive innovation and job creation, for any occupation in ANZSCO groups 1-2, 4-6 with salary offer of at least $135,000.

  • Labour Agreement stream - will be soon replaced by an Essential Skills stream.

The work experience requirement for the new SID visa was reduced to only 1 year of full time experience in the nominated occupation in the last 5 years.

The applicants will need to demonstrate vocational English (IELTS 5/5/5/5 or PTE 36 each band).

The SID visas will be granted for up to 4 years and have a pathway to permanent residency SC 186 visa via Temporary residence transition stream.

To discuss more details of the new SID visa and your individual circumstances, book a consultation with our Registered Migration agent via our website or email us on


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